How to use your lawn clippings for compost

Composting is an eco-friendly way to make your own mulch, and grass clippings make an excellent addition to any compost pile. According to Better-Lawn-Care, grass is "rich in nitrogen that the microbial population uses as they decompose the organic matter." Adding grass to your compost pile can also increase the nutrient value in your final compost product. So, the next time you use your Husqvarna lawn mower to achieve the perfect lawn trim, put your clippings to use to add a boost to your compost pile. Just be sure to keep four things in mind.

1. Balance is key
Compost doesn't work properly if there is an imbalance of live and dead organic material. If you overwhelm your pile with fresh grass, it can slow down the process and leave you with a matted, sticky mess. For however much clipped grass you add, be sure to add an equal amount of dead leaves.

2. Mix it up
Another thing to do when adding fresh grass trimmings to your compost pile is mix it frequently. To maximize the effectiveness of the breakdown, turn and stir your pile regularly. Mixing the lawn trimmings will ensure that they decompose at an even pace and do not upset the carbon to nitrogen balance that is crucial to viable compost mulch. Mixing will also prevent matting and allow air flow in the pile, which is essential to the composting process. 

3. Don't drench your pile
A compost pile should be moist but not soaked. Before you add the fresh clippings to your pile, spread them out flat to allow them to dry. Wet clippings can disrupt the delicate composting process. Fresh grass can retain moisture, so until it begins to break down, cover your pile with a tarp during rainstorms. 

4. Treated grass is okay
Some people worry about composting lawn clippings that have been treated with fertilizer and pesticides. Most commercial chemical-based lawn products are required to break down within a couple of days of use. The only grass trimmings you can't use in a compost pile are from lawns that have been treated with Clopyralid, which is used in herbicide products such as Curtail or Confront. This chemical dramatically slows down the breakdown process, according to Better-Lawn-Care.

After you've achieved a beautifully mowed yard with your Husqvarna lawn mower, there's no reason to waste your grass clippings. Instead, add them to your compost pile for a richer final product. Just be sure you follow the advice above to achieve the most from your lawn trimmings. 


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